Photovoltaic solar panels

Photovoltaic solar panels
The installation of solar photovoltaic panels ensures you regular income for 6 kWp for 20 years thanks to the reselling of the electricity produced. The panels capture the free energy of the sun that you can resell to the network. Photovoltaic panels are thus an economical, environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution.
Free and without commitment
Quelle Energie strongly recommends solar photovoltaic panels to produce your own energy. Indeed, they have several advantages:

Resale: up to 2,300 € of solar revenue per year for 20 years by selling all your electricity production
Consumption: consume directly the electricity you produce for free!
Consumption / Resale mix: meet your electricity needs and resell the surplus of your production
Clean electricity: solar energy is available free of charge and permanently
Photovoltaic solar panels are therefore a very cost-effective way to produce your own electricity: significant revenues for 20 years!Simulator Free: calculate your solar revenue
Up to 2,300 € of solar revenue per year
Photovoltaic panels are a mode of production of clean energy. They generate significant revenues for 20 years. Indeed, it is possible to resell its solar electricity at a very advantageous redemption tariff of 0.2319 € per kWh. This price is much higher than the one we buy the electricity. It is therefore advisable to resell the entire electricity to the network, which generates very interesting income, up to 2,300 € / year for a 6 kWp installation. The purchase of solar panels is therefore a profitable investment.Photovoltaic solar panels pricesGenerate electricity on the roof of your homePhotovoltaic Solar Panels
Thanks to so-called "semiconductor" materials, photovoltaic panels produce electricity when they are illuminated by the sun. The cells that compose them transform the solar energy into a direct current. This is transformed into alternating current by an inverter for resale to the grid or a self-consumption.Photovoltaic solar panelsCalculate your electricity production
The Free Energy Simulator allows you to obtain a quantified estimate of the potential electricity production on the roof of your house. We take into account the sunshine of the place of residence, the orientation and inclination of the roof as well as the area available for photovoltaic solar panels. This tool will allow you to estimate the profitability of photovoltaic solar panels.Calculate Your Solar IncomeInstallation and connection of solar panels
To install photovoltaic solar panels, it is not compulsory to live in the South of France. Ideally, there is a sunny slope with a 30 ° slope, rather oriented to the south. Photovoltaics is therefore a feasible solution anywhere in France. The installation of solar panels is a delicate operation: it is important to call in a qualified professional for installation and connection to the network. Quelle Energie puts you in contact with its partner installers to guarantee a quality installation.Installation of photovoltaic solar panels1.659 € / year
This is the average revenue generated by a photovoltaic installation of 6 kWp in France.Power of solar panels
The main technical characteristic to judge the performance of a photovoltaic solar panel is its power (in kW). This depends on the material and surface of the panels. Production power determines the capacity of solar panels to produce electricity under ideal conditions (inclination, sunshine, orientation, etc.).Power of solar photovoltaic panelsThe profitability of solar panels
Photovoltaic solar panels are a cost-effective solution. Indeed, their prices have fallen considerably in recent years and the revenues generated by resale to the network make it possible to quickly amortize the initial investment.
Concretely calculate the profitability of solar panels. Take for example a 6 kWp plant located in Biarritz, worth 16,000 € and producing about 1,400 kWh / kWp. Let us add the additional costs that can be envisaged in the short and medium terms, such as a connection to the grid (€ 1,500) and a change in the inverter after 10 years (€ 2,000). The initial investment thus rises from 16,000 to 18,500 €.
Taking into account the purchase price of photovoltaic electricity of € 0.2617 / kWh (in the second quarter of 2015), which remains fixed for 20 years (duration of the
