renewable energy

The energies that nature constitutes or reconstitutes faster than humans use them are classified in the category of renewable energies. They can thus be considered as inexhaustible on the scale of human time.Advantages of renewable energies compared to fossil fuels
In contrast, energy sources whose renewal is slower than their consumption, as is the case today with oil, do not fall under the category of renewable energies. They are called fossil fuels.
Another advantage of the renewable energies on these fossil energies is their decarbonity. Indeed, renewable energies do not produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and their development can therefore help us to fight against global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
On the other hand, the energy power of renewable energies is relatively disseminated. These energies can be intermittent. This is the case for solar and wind power. Storage solutions, which are not always obvious, must then be found.See also: Is nuclear energy fossil or renewable?
The hydraulic energy of large dams is still the first renewable energies. © Pexels, Pixabay, DP
The hydraulic energy of large dams is still the first renewable energies. © Pexels, Pixabay, DPDifferent types of renewable energies: examples
There are two main natural sources of renewable energy: the Sun and the Earth.
Solar energy (thermal, thermodynamic or photovoltaic) is inexhaustible on the scale of human time, as are the energies derived from it:

Wind energy - understand, energy from the wind - the result of variable temperature and pressure zones;
Hydraulic energy, the result of the water cycle;
Biomass, produced by photosynthesis;
Some of the marine energies.
The internal geodynamics of the Earth provide us with internally generated heat that can be recovered on the surface (geothermal energy, or geothermal energy).
Finally, the phenomenon of gravity ensures us a production of tidal energy.
What are the main obstacles to the development of photovoltaic energy? Some 8,000 times the world's energy consumption. It is the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun. However, photovoltaic solar technologies struggle to impose themselves in the energy landscape. Marion Perrin, a doctor in electrochemistry, explains, in video, what are the main obstacles to the massive development of this renewable energy.
