what is Renewable Energy?

What is renewable energy? Where do they come from?Published on 21 March 2016.Renewable energies are created from sources of natural and ecological energies such as sun, wind, water, tide or organic matter.These energies come from natural phenomena, regular or constant, which make them inexhaustible. They are also sometimes referred to as "green" or "clean" energies because they emit less CO2 than fossil energy sources. Today, the various governments seek to increase the share of renewable energy in the energy market in order to fight for the preservation of the environment.Discover the offer of Planète YES

There are five main sources of renewable energy:Hydraulic energy

It is the most used renewable energy, accounting for 13% of electricity production in France and 19% in the world. This energy is provided by the movement of water, in different forms: fall, marine current, tide, ...The movement of the water can be used directly as for example with water mills, or be converted into electrical energy, for example through hydroelectric power station and dam.Solar energy

The sun emits electromagnetic radiation that emits energy. Solar energy can be of two types:

- thermal: the heat transmitted by radiation is used to heat a building for example.

- photovoltaic: the radiation itself is used. Sunlight is converted into electricity within semiconductor materials.Wind energy

Wind turbines, like windmills in the past, produce electricity thanks to the wind. Wind power is produced by wind turbines that capture the kinetic energy of the wind and drive a generator that transforms that energy into electricity.Domestic wind is growing more and more on an individual scale. Wind turbine manufacturers offer increasingly efficient and affordable generators that allow individuals to produce their own electricity. Planète YES buys, for example, the surplus electricity generated by Windeo wind turbines.Biomass energy

Biomass represents all organic matter of vegetable, animal or fungal origin which can become a source of energy by combustion or by transformation. For example, sugarcane can be used to become an agrofuel. Wood can be burned and replace gas or electric heating, etc ...Energy from biomass is considered renewable energy as long as there are no unreasonable impacts on biodiversity: endangering soil fertility, overexploiting the resource.Geothermal

Geothermal energy is the exploitation of the heat stored in the earth's subsoil. To draw geothermal energy, a fluid is circulated in the earth's subsoil that rises water vapor. This will feed turbines that will transform it into electricity.The Earth sometimes makes natural heat rise to the surface: geysers, hot springs and volcanic eruptions are sources of energy.
